If your tree looks sickly or dying, you’re probably wondering, “Can a dead tree have green leaves?” As the trusted tree service company in Louisville, KY, Tree Care Inc. can help you understand the signs you have a dying tree and what to do about it. We can also help keep your trees healthy so you don’t have to deal with the safety risks inherent in a dying tree.
From a range of infectious diseases to a variety of Kentucky pests, several things can harm your tree. Stay aware of the following tree health signs.

Signs You Have a Dying Tree
Lack of Leaves
If it’s fall or winter, you can’t consider a lack of foliage a sign of an unhealthy tree. However, if you notice a lack of leaves in the summer and spring, especially when you see other trees with a lush canopy, your tree has significantly poor health.
The problem could result from insects, fungi, a disease, or a lack of nutrients in the soil. Whether a tree can recover from dead tree leaves depends on its species, the cause of the illness, and several other factors.
Dead Portions
Your tree should feel relatively springy. If you gently press on a branch and it snaps from brittleness, your tree has started dying.
You’ll likely see more branches on the ground after strong winds. A healthy tree can bend and sway in the wind because its moisture gives it a higher level of elasticity. One of the worst tree survival indicators is a tree that snaps easily.
Did you know trees decay from the inside out? That means once you notice the decay, the tree has significant problems.
You may notice the problem before it becomes too severe if you see fungus growing on the tree. Fungi derive a significant amount of nutrients from decaying trees, so even if you don’t see the rot yet, mushrooms on the trunk mean you should call your tree service immediately.
Peeling Bark
While small patches of peeling bark shouldn’t concern you and indicate a natural process for some species of tree, if you see the bark peeling 360 degrees around the tree, you know you have a problem. If a tree loses its bark in a complete circle, it can’t use its phloem, the primary way it transports nutrients from its roots to the rest of the tree. In this case, nothing can save the tree.
Poor Structure
If your tree leans more than 15 degrees, you should schedule removal immediately, as it puts your property at great risk. A significant lean can occur from repeated storm damage, soil erosion that destabilizes the roots, or changes in soil nutrients.
Uneven growth provides another sign of a dying tree, including an abundance of branches or leaves only on one side. This can occur from repeated storm damage, but you can also cause this if you neglect regular or quality trimming and pruning.
What to Do with a Dying Tree
Can a dead tree have green leaves? Dead trees don’t have leaves, but if they’re sickly or dying, they may still have leaves and show other signs of poor health.
Protect the Surrounding Area
If you notice signs of a dying tree, take care to protect the surrounding structures and plant life. If an infestation or disease causes the tree’s lack of health, your primary concern is preventing it from spreading to the other plants in your yard. If you remove branches or the tree, don’t turn it into mulch, as you’ll infest the rest of your yard.
You should also protect your home and yard from falling branches. Prune or trim the tree so it doesn’t cause damage, or opt for complete removal.
Remove the Tree
The most certain thing you can do to protect your home is schedule removal for your tree. While removing a tree always feels like a tragedy, you have to protect your home and family.
A dying tree can’t endure severe weather and remains extremely vulnerable to falling over. If a tree falls on your home, it will not only cost you thousands of dollars, but it can also injure the people you love.
Call a Professional Tree Service
Whether you can save the tree or need it completely removed, you should never work on your trees yourself. These tasks require special knowledge, training, and equipment, and if you try to remove the tree yourself, you could injure yourself or damage your property.
How to Protect Your Tree From Death
How can you protect your yard from dying tree leaves and other signs of poor tree health?
Regular Tree Care
You can practice a variety of tree care habits to keep your trees healthy and reduce the risk they’ll cause problems on your property. Prioritize the following:
- Annual inspection: You should have an ISA-certified arborist examine your trees every year, preferably in the late spring. An arborist can help you detect early signs of tree disease and hopefully save at-risk trees, as well as devise the perfect combination of fertilizers.
- Regular trimming and pruning: You should trim your trees once they look overgrown or start encroaching on powerlines or other structures. You should prune your trees about every three years so you can remove dead branches that could hinder the tree’s health.
- Water and fertilization: Especially in times of drought, you should water your trees regularly. You should also have an arborist devise the right mixture of fertilizer that replaces any nutrients deficient in your soil.
Strategic Planting
Each tree species thrives in different conditions, so you should avoid planting trees that won’t fare well in your yard. An arborist can help you determine which trees to plant and the best location for them in your yard.
Call Tree Care Inc. for Expert Tree Service
Can a dead tree have green leaves? No, but you’ll likely notice other signs of illness first.From saving a half-dead tree to safe and efficient tree removal, Tree Care Inc. works hard to meet all your tree care needs. Your trees are our expertise. Obtain a free estimate by calling (502) 326-3661.