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Louisville Tree Care Services

Tree Removal Services Louisville

Tree Removal Services

Tree Care Inc. are the experts when it comes to Louisville tree removal. Even if you have a precarious situation where a tree is close to your home or nearby power lines, we can remove it safely and without worry.

Tree Care Inc. has been a certified arborist tree service company for more than 20 years. We have weathered all the storms with homeowners and business owners all over Louisville. Our team is here for you, especially for those emergency situations. Tree removal is serious business. Hire Tree Care Inc., a fully insured company who will get the job done right and under budget.

Call us today and have one of our tree removal experts give you a free quote on removing and maintaining your trees.

Louisville(502) 326-3661  Nashville(615) 316-5166
Lexington(859) 347-2237 Houston(713) 234-0914
Tampa(813) 419-0638

Tree Trimming Services Louisville

Tree Trimming Services

Tree trimming is an essential part of maintaining your property. By removing large limbs or branches that are near your home or power lines, you’ll ensure your home is safe, your trees are healthy, and the power stays on. Give us a call today to discuss our trimming options.

Louisville(502) 326-3661  Nashville(615) 316-5166
Lexington(859) 347-2237  Houston(713) 234-0914
Tampa(813) 419-0638

Stump Grinding Stump Removal Services Louisville

Stump Removal & Grinding Services

After a tree is cut down, we still need to deal with the stump. Removing the tree stump makes your yard look tidy, and can even increase the value of your property. Stump grinding is a less intrusive way to deal with the stump. With stump grinding, we use a machine to shred the stump while leaving the roots underground to decay over time. Complete stump removal involves digging out the roots as well, ensuring that the roots do not regrow. In situations where a tree has fallen and the roots have already come out of the ground, it makes sense to go ahead and remove the entire stump.

For a safe and professional stump removal or stump grinding job, call us for help!

Louisville(502) 326-3661  Nashville(615) 316-5166
Lexington(859) 347-2237  Houston(713) 234-0914
Tampa(813) 419-0638

Emergency Tree Removal Louisville

Emergency Tree Services

Fallen trees can be a serious safety hazard, causing damage to homes, businesses, cars, and even people. Tree Care Inc. offers 24/7 emergency tree removal services to Louisville residents. If you have a downed tree on your property, call us immediately on our emergency lines:

Louisville(502) 326-3661  Nashville(615) 316-5166
Lexington(859) 347-2237  Houston(713) 234-0914
Tampa(813) 419-0638

After a severe weather event, your trees may not show obvious signs of damage, but it is still important to have your property inspected by our certified arborist. They will have the ability to recognize certain symptoms or conditions that may lead to problems down the road.

Land Clearing Services Louisville

Land Clearing Services

Tree Care Inc.’s land clearing services removes trees, stumps, brush, stones and other obstacles from an area. As a homeowner, you may have an area of land you would like to utilize, or perhaps you’re beginning new construction and need to clear the land for the foundation and to access the property. Tree removal, stump removal, and brush clearing require heavy machinery and can be difficult and time consuming. We have the experience and equipment to do the job efficiently and at a reasonable cost. 

Give us a call to get a free land clearing estimate.

Louisville(502) 326-3661  Nashville(615) 316-5166
Lexington(859) 347-2237  Houston(713) 234-0914
Tampa(813) 419-0638

Request a Free Estimate Today From Tree Care Inc.

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About Tree Care Inc.

Founded in 1995 by Edward Hager, Tree Care Inc. specializes in tree removal, tree trimming, and stump removal, even in situations where trees may lie dangerously close to houses or power lines.

At Tree Care Inc., we pledge to treat you with respect and individual attention. Our mission is simple: to deliver quality work at a reasonable price with premium results. Call us today for all your tree care service needs!

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